Wednesday 19 March 2008

So called wedding photos

原由 anthonioo 上載
Here you are. Take a look of the whole set here. Hope this will give you an idea what wedding photos in Taiwan are like. If you fancy photos like this for your wedding, you're more than welcome to come to Taiwan. Many Chinese people from Hong Kong and else where do come to Taiwan to take wedding photos.

Sunday 9 March 2008

Our wedding photo

We've selected the photos that we'd like to put into our wedding photo album on Sunday. It's a very tiring job. You kind of like a lot of them but you'll have to extra if you exceed the number of photos included in the package you've ordered. Normally the photographer will take tons of photos, a lot more than you've ordered. We've done pretty well - only ordered four more :p This one is the one I picked on Wednesday so that we can put it in our wedding invite. I like this one very much. Will share the entire set when it's ready.

Monday 3 March 2008

Moving a step forward

原由 anthonioo 上載
Today we had our wedding photos taken. It is quite common for couples to take a set of wedding photos when they're about to get married. Normally they overcharge you for taking those photos but most people don't complain about this. Anyway, the weather was really beautiful today and the process was smoother than we'd expected. Mei-Ling looked gorgeous in all her outfit. You can take a look of some of the photos we've taken in between the photo-shooting. The official ones are yet to come so please be patient.