Sunday 23 December 2007

What else can you do in the park?

We spent some time in Daan park (the largest park in downtown Taipei) this afternoon. The weather wasn't great which is good as there weren't as many people as it normally is over the weekend. Just when we were leaving the park, I noticed that there is a giant noticeboard which listed all the things that you can't do in the park. It's really ridiculous to list down some of the very basic stuff. This also reminds me the stupid video clip that you need to watch when your flight approach Taiwan. It reminds you that importing drugs is illegal in this country and you will be executed. OMG... Our government is wasting too much money on doing silly things like this.

Sunday 16 December 2007

This is really bakery

麵包店 Bakery
原由 anthonioo 上載
Most Taiwanese students are disappointed by the limited varieties of bread they can buy in the bakery in the UK. You have to see the options we have in Taiwan to understand the reason for our disappointment. They come in sweet and savory and in flavours that you probably never thought of. But there is a downside... we don't have that many options for toast. Most people here enjoy white toast which is not really a healthy option.

Monday 10 December 2007

The long awaited... chicken ass

Hope we can convince you to try some chicken ass when you come to visit Taiwan.

Friday 7 December 2007

An example of life style in Taiwan

I think this photo is a very good example of life in Taiwan. As the island itself is highly populated, we need to make most use of the space especially in metropolitan cities. I saw those double-deck bike park for the first time in my life yesterday and was highly amazed. I think it's a really smart design. Another thing that amused me is the time it took for me to get a new ID card. It's probably the most important piece of document that you'll get as a citizen in this country and guess how it took me to get it - in 10 minutes. I spent about 2 minutes to take a quick photo shot and then about 2 minutes to speak to the lady in charge of this business. After that I waited for about 5 minutes for them to scan my photo and printed the stuff on a card for me. Efficiency is all that matters in this place. People live a very fast pace of life style. More to come...

I am planning to make a video on someone eating chicken ass :p Please look forward to that.

Wednesday 5 December 2007

home at last

After I left York last Thursday, I was all over the place. I was in Oxford, Cambridge and London before taking off at Gatwick on the 3rd of December. The flight from London to Hong Kong was not bad (considering it's a budget airline) but it was far worse than the Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to Taipei. I don't know why Oasis could not do better like other budget airlines (e.g., easyjet) as you do not really tell much difference between easyjet and BA domestic flight (maybe it's a bad comparison). I was lucky enough to catch a earlier flight (nearly five hours earlier than scheduled) back home. My brother came to pick me up and then we went straight to my parent's place for dinner which was an unexpected surprise. After dinner, we headed to the night market for some extra bits to satisfy my taste buds rather than my stomach. Got home and hit bed pretty much right away. It is good to be at home :)