Wednesday 5 December 2007

home at last

After I left York last Thursday, I was all over the place. I was in Oxford, Cambridge and London before taking off at Gatwick on the 3rd of December. The flight from London to Hong Kong was not bad (considering it's a budget airline) but it was far worse than the Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to Taipei. I don't know why Oasis could not do better like other budget airlines (e.g., easyjet) as you do not really tell much difference between easyjet and BA domestic flight (maybe it's a bad comparison). I was lucky enough to catch a earlier flight (nearly five hours earlier than scheduled) back home. My brother came to pick me up and then we went straight to my parent's place for dinner which was an unexpected surprise. After dinner, we headed to the night market for some extra bits to satisfy my taste buds rather than my stomach. Got home and hit bed pretty much right away. It is good to be at home :)

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